[Sports Startup] "Scuba Diver Safety and Life Guarantee"

[Sports Startup] "Scuba Diver Safety and Life Guarantee"

Representative of Jong-woo Mo Beacon. He is dreaming of expanding the base of extreme sports safety products. Ⓒ Gyeonggi University Start-up Support Center

[Human Aid Post] C-Bicon (CEO Jong-woo Moo) produces safety and life-saving products for scuba divers by developing safety products that are directly connected to life. The main items are LED Surface Marker Buoy (SMB), LED Diver Gloves and LED Buddy Fish. LED Surface Marker Buoy (SMB) is a device that informs the diver's position when the diver leaves.

LED Diver Gloves and LED Buddy Fish are safety products that scuba divers use high-brightness LEDs to locate divers and prevent missing people. Each product features a high-brightness LED on the scuba diver's essential safety equipment, emphasizing the marking function.

Representative Jong-woo Moo struggled to cope with high water pressure due to errors in 3D printer output during the 3D modeling process. However, the problem was solved by the introduction of a highly accurate 5-axis CNC machine.

Representative Mo said, “We are operating the company as a team member with diverse ideas. We are concentrating on contributing to life and the global environment.” By expanding the market and opening up the market, we can make a profit for the company. ”

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