[Sports Startup] Unfamiliar and Fun Experience in Everyday Space

[Sports Startup] Unfamiliar and Fun Experience in Everyday Space

[Human Aid Post] Company 'Buzade (CEO Lee Min-jae)' is a word that reads 'Deja vu' backwards. It is a name given to an unfamiliar and pleasant experience in a familiar and ordinary everyday space.

Lee Min Jae-jae said that he found that there is no diversified leisure in the busy modern society, so he founded it to provide leisure services without time or cost.

Beauzade is a place-specific content platform and supports mobile app services. This content platform is a service that allows you to enjoy leisure while walking or running in everyday space. The Bujade mobile app service also offers subscribers the ability to be producers.

When content is created using Bujade's location-based work function, it is configured to allow app users to hear the road story when they reach the location.

Lee made the platform by exploring the places where the content is deployed and measuring the travel time by connecting sections so that the viewer can use the app more conveniently.

Lee said, "In the future, rather than developing all the contents directly, we will use the network of writers who worked together to solidify the business model of the regional-based offline program."

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